Child Fatality Review Team
Child Fatality Review Teams function under Social Services Law 422b(1). The Onondaga Child Fatality Review Team began meeting in 1996. The team meets monthly to review the unexpected death of any Onondaga County child or adolescent 17 years of age or younger. The multidisciplinary Team also reviews findings to analyze patterns of child deaths and provides education for the prevention of future fatalities.
Safe Infant Sleep Workshop
“Our Babies are Dying, What Every Parent/Caregiver Needs to Know”
In the United States, approximately 3500 infants (birth to 1 year of age) die each year due to an unsafe sleep related death.
In NYS, nearly 100 infants die every year due to an unsafe sleep environment.
We know parent/caregivers receive the information many times but do not practice safe sleep. The reasons are many and unfortunately, parents/caregivers do not really understand that an unsafe sleep environment can be deadly to their infant. There are no rewinds or do-overs when this happens.
Join me for an hour to learn what the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends for infant safe sleep and why it is so important to follow their guidelines.
Presented by Christine Larkin, Coordinator of the Onondaga County Child Fatality Review Team and Certified Cribs for Kids Safe Sleep Ambassador
If you are interested in a Safe Infant Sleep Workshop, please contact Kathy Delaney at