Holiday Angels Project

During the holidays, we try to make a child’s life a little brighter through our annual Holiday Angels Project. Every year we look to our many wonderful supporters to serve as “Angels” to families that we serve. We invite you and your family, office, or organization to adopt a family or child in need and provide gifts or food for them this holiday season. Your support of the Holiday Angels Project will help provide a happy holiday for children and families that have experienced the trauma of child abuse.

There are many ways to support the Holiday Angels Project. You can sign up to provide presents (2 needs and 1 want) for each child, a list for each child with sizing will be sent to you in mid-November. (Please sign up for this by 11/15). You can give a monetary donation to be used towards food baskets, as each family will receive a food basket and turkey when they pick up their presents. Or you can volunteer your time to help wrap presents with us in Mid-December! To sign up, email Development Director, Dana Walk at or fill out the form below.

This year’s Holiday Angels Project was made possible with a generous $6,000 donation from Dakota Wealth Management. Thank you for choosing our Holiday Angels Project as the recipient for Dakota’s Day of Giving!

Thank you to the Bartlett Family for donating over 70 turkeys each year
for the Holiday Angels Project!

Thank you to KeyBank for generously donating funds
to help provide food baskets for each family this year!

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Donation Total: $1.00

Please note that 100% of your donation will help fund the Holiday Angel Project