Toss Your Boss – Colleen Merced
So, we came up with the concept of Toss Your Boss for our fundraiser Over The Edge. Guess what, I have been nominated to be tossed over the edge by my staff. I start by saying I am deathly afraid of heights. I will cry and probably scream but I will be doing it. The mission of McMahon Ryan means so much to me. As the Executive Director and someone who has been in the field of helping victims for almost 20 years, I have seen first hand the fear that victims go through. So many children experience trauma from child abuse and what we do here at the center is to try to give them hope, healing and peace. Help me help others by donating to this special cause not because I work here, but because I know first hand how hard it is to be a survivor. Together we can make a difference. Let’s show children in Onondaga County that we care about them, we believe in them and together we want to help them succeed. I challenge you all to donate, sign up and be a part of a cause that we are all touched by in some way.